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2017 Publications

Asner, G. P., Martin, R. E., Anderson, C. B., Kryston, K., Vaughn, N., Knapp, D. E., Bentley, L. P., Shenkin, A., Salinas, N., Sinca, F., Tupayachi, R., Quispe Huaypar, K., Montoya Pillco, M., Ccori Álvarez, F. D., Díaz, S., Enquist, B. and Malhi, Y. (2017), Scale dependence of canopy trait distributions along a tropical forest elevation gradient. New Phytol. doi:10.1111/nph.14068

Bahar, N. H. A., Ishida, F. Y., Weerasinghe, L. K., Guerrieri, R., O'Sullivan, O. S., Bloomfield, K. J., Asner, G. P., Martin, R. E., Lloyd, J., Malhi, Y., Phillips, O. L., Meir, P., Salinas, N., Cosio, E. G., Domingues, T. F., Quesada, C. A., Sinca, F., Escudero Vega, A., Zuloaga Ccorimanya, P. P., del Aguila-Pasquel, J., Quispe Huaypar, K., Cuba Torres, I., Butrón Loayza, R., Pelaez Tapia, Y., Huaman Ovalle, J., Long, B. M., Evans, J. R. and Atkin, O. K. (2017), Leaf-level photosynthetic capacity in lowland Amazonian and high-elevation Andean tropical moist forests of Peru. New Phytol. doi:10.1111/nph.14079

Bispo PdC, Balzter H, Malhi Y, Slik JWF, dos Santos JR, Renno´ CD, et al. (2017) Drivers of metacommunity structure diverge for common and rare Amazonian tree species. PLoS ONE 12(11): e0188300. pone.0188300

Blonder, B., Salinas, N., Patrick-Bentley, L., Shenkin, A., Chambi Porroa, P.O., Valdez Tejeira, Y., Violle, C., Fyllas, N.M., Goldsmith, G.R., Martin, R., Asner, G.P., Diaz, S., Enquist, B.E. and Malhi, Y. (2017) Predicting trait-environment relationships for venation networks along an Andes-Amazon elevation gradient. Ecology, 98(5): 1239-1255.

Chavana-Bryant, C., Malhi, Y., Wu, J., Asner, G. P., Anastasiou, A., Enquist, B. J., Cosio Caravasi, E. G., Doughty, C. E., Saleska, S. R., Martin, R. E. and Gerard, F. F. (2017), Leaf aging of Amazonian canopy trees as revealed by spectral and physiochemical measurements. New Phytol. doi:10.1111/nph.13853. Supplementary Info.

Chiti, T., Mihindou, V., Jeffery, K. J., Malhi, Y., De Oliveira, F. L., White, L. J. T. and Valentini, R. (2017), Impact of woody encroachment on soil organic carbon storage in the Lopé National Park, Gabon. Biotropica, 49: 9–12. doi:10.1111/btp.12369

Clark, K. E., R. G. Hilton, A. J. West, A. Robles Caceres, D. R. Gröcke, T. R. Marthews, R. I. Ferguson, G. P. Asner, M. New, and Y. Malhi (2017), Erosion of organic carbon from the Andes and its effects on ecosystem carbon dioxide balance, J. Geophys. Res. Biogeosci., 122, 449–469, doi:10.1002/2016JG003615. Supplementary Info. Supplementary Data.

Cushman, S.A., Macdonald, E.A., Landguth, E.L., Malhi, Y. and Macdonald, D.W. (2017) Multiple-scale prediction of forest loss risk across Borneo. Landscape Ecology 32:1581–1598. doi: 10.1007/s10980-017-0520-0.

Doughty, C.E.,  P. E. Santos‐Andrade  G. R. Goldsmith  B. Blonder  A. Shenkin  L. P. Bentley C. Chavana‐Bryant  W. Huaraca‐Huasco  S. Díaz  N. Salinas  B. J. Enquist  R. Martin  G. P. Asner,  Malhi, Y.  (2017) Can Leaf Spectroscopy Predict Leaf and Forest Traits Along a Peruvian Tropical Forest Elevation Gradient? JGR Biogeosciences, 122, 2952-2965. Info

Enquist BJ, Bentley LP, Shenkin A, Maitner B , Savage V , Michaletz S, Blonder B , Buzzard V ,  Boza Espinoza TE , Farfan-Rios W,  Doughty C, Goldsmith GR,  Martin RE , Salinas N, Silman M, Díaz S, Asner GP, Malhi Y. Assessing trait-based scaling theory in tropical forests spanning a broad temperature gradient. Global Ecol Biogeogr. 2017;26:1357–1373.  Supplementary Info

Esquivel Muelbert, A. et al.  (2017) Seasonal drought limits tree species across the Neotropics. Ecography, 40(5): 618-629.

Fyllas, N. M., Bentley, L. P., Shenkin, A., Asner, G. P., Atkin, O. K., Díaz, S., Enquist, B. J., Farfan-Rios, W., Gloor, E., Guerrieri, R., Huasco, W. H., Ishida, Y., Martin, R. E., Meir, P., Phillips, O., Salinas, N., Silman, M., Weerasinghe, L. K., Zaragoza-Castells, J. and Malhi, Y. (2017), Solar radiation and functional traits explain the decline of forest primary productivity along a tropical elevation gradient. Ecol Lett. doi:10.1111/ele.12771

Goldsmith, G. R., Bentley, L. P., Shenkin, A., Salinas, N., Blonder, B., Martin, R. E., Castro-Ccossco, R., Chambi-Porroa, P., Diaz, S., Enquist, B. J., Asner, G. P. and Malhi, Y. (2017), Variation in leaf wettability traits along a tropical montane elevation gradient. New Phytol. doi:10.1111/nph.14121 Supplementary Info

Huntingford C., Atkin O.K., Martinez-de la Torre A., Mercado L.M., Heskel M.A., Harper A.B., Bloomfield K.J.,  O’Sullivan, O.S., Reich P.B., Wythers, K.R., Butler E.E., Chen M., Griffin, K.L., Meir P., Tjoelker, M.G., Turnbull, M.H., Sitch, S., Wiltshire, A., Malhi Y. (2017) Implications of improved representations of plant respiration in a changing climate Nature Communications 8, 1602 (2017) doi:10.1038/s41467-017-01774-z Supplementary Info

Lee, J., Coomes, D., Schonlieb, C.B., Cai, A., Lellmann, J., Dalponte, M., Malhi, Y., Butt, N. and Morecroft, M. (2017) A graph cut approach to 3D tree delineation, using integrated airborne LiDAR and hyperspectral imagery. arXiv, 1701.06715.

Macdonald EA., Hinks A., Weiss DJ, Dickman A, Burnham D, Sandom CJ, Malhi Y, Macdonald DW (2017)  Identifying ambassador species for conservation marketing Global Ecology and Conservation, 12, 204-2014 Supplementary data

Malhi, Y. (2017) The concept of the Anthropocene. Annual Reviews in Environment and Resources.

Malhi, Y., Girardin, C. A. J., Goldsmith, G. R., Doughty, C. E., Salinas, N., Metcalfe, D. B., Huaraca Huasco, W., Silva-Espejo, J. E., del Aguilla-Pasquell, J., Farfán Amézquita, F., Aragão, L. E. O. C., Guerrieri, R., Ishida, F. Y., Bahar, N. H. A., Farfan-Rios, W., Phillips, O. L., Meir, P. and Silman, M. (2017), The variation of productivity and its allocation along a tropical elevation gradient: a whole carbon budget perspective. New Phytol, 214: 1019–1032. doi:10.1111/nph.14189. Supplementary Info

Massi, K.G. et al. (2017) Does soil pyrogenic carbon determine plant functional traits in Amazon Basin forests? Plant Ecology, 218, 1047-1062.

Nakamura, A., Kitching R.L., Cao M., Creedy T.J., Fayle T.M., Freiberg M., Hewitt MN., Itioka T.,  Koh L.P., Ma K., Malhi Y., Mitchell A., Novotny V., Ozanne C.M.P., Song L., Wang H., Ashton A.A. (2017) Forests and Their Canopies: Achievements and Horizons in Canopy ScienceTrends Ecol. Evol., 32, 432-451

Peixoto, K.S., Marimon-Junior, B.H., Marimon, B.S., Elias, F., de Farias, J., Freitag, R., Mews, H.A., das Neves, E.C., Prestes, N.C.C.S. and Malhi, Y. (2017) Unravelling ecosystem functions at the Amazonia-Cerrado transition: II. Carbon stocks and CO2 soil efflux in cerradão forest undergoing ecological succession. Acta Oecologica, 82: 23-31.

Qie L. et al (2017) Long-term carbon sink in Borneo’s forests halted by drought and vulnerable to edge effects. Nature Communications, 9, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-02920-x

Restrepo-Coupe N; Levine NM; Christoffersen BO; Albert LP; Wu J; Costa MH; Galbraith D; Imbuzeiro H; Martins G; da Araujo AC; Malhi YS; Zeng X; Moorcroft P; Saleska SR (2017) Do dynamic global vegetation models capture the seasonality of carbon fluxes in the Amazon basin? A data-model intercomparison, Global Change Biology, 23(1): 191-208.. doi: 10.1111/gcb.13442

Urrutia-Jalabert, R., Y. Malhi, and A. Lara. 2017. Soil respiration and mass balance estimation of fine root production in Fitzroya cupressoides forests of southern Chile. Ecosphere 8(4):e01640. 10.1002/ecs2.1640 Supplementary Info

Urrutia-Jalabert, R., Y. Malhi, and A. Lara. 2017. Soil respiration and mass balance estimation of fine root production in Fitzroya cupressoides forests of southern Chile. Ecosphere 8(4):e01640. 10.1002/ecs2.1640 Supplementary Info

Wu, J., Chavana-Bryant, C., Prohaska, N., Serbin, S. P., Guan, K., Albert, L. P., Yang, X., van Leeuwen, W. J. D., Garnello, A. J., Martins, G., Malhi, Y., Gerard, F., Oliviera, R. C. and Saleska, S. R. (2017), Convergence in relationships between leaf traits, spectra and age across diverse canopy environments and two contrasting tropical forests. New Phytol. doi:10.1111/nph.14051

Wu M.S., Feakins, S.J.,  Martin R.E. , Shenkin A., Bentley, L.P., Blonder B., Salinas N., Asner G.P., Malhi Y. (2017), Altitude effect on leaf wax carbon isotopic composition in humid tropical forests, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,  206, ,1-17.

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